
Saturday, December 22, 2012

ArchivesInfo Top Ten Stories of 2012

Welcome to the 3rd annual ArchivesInfo Top Ten Stories of the Year. Our list includes the stories that have impacted the cultural heritage professions -- more specifically archives, libraries, and museums - the most over the past year. These stories were greatly discussed, contributed to a change in our profession, and / or are on our radar as potential changers of the heritage we keep. They were garnered from the ArchivesInfo Twitter archives. I have evaluated my tweets based on my own personal outlook and welcome differing opinions. The list is admittedly biased toward the United States. 

This year, the list has shifted again. We still have stories about how the economy influences our professions, but I think that the outlook is a little brighter. I am also enthusiastic about the forward looking direction we all seem to be taking, with new ideas about how best to reach our public. Just missing the cut this year is the story about the woman who aimed to "conserve" a Spanish fresco and botched it ; the story of librarians versus publishers of ebooks (I want to wait and see how this plays out); the ongoing Boston College IRA tape story; Crowdsourcing (which seems to be becoming so commonplace that it is old news); The Alamo "victory of death" letter; and the release of RFK's papers.

So once again, without further ado, here is the ArchivesInfo top ten of 2012.

10. Highlighting our holdings
One of the most wonderful things about cultural heritage institutions are the collections themselves. [DUH?!] This year, it seems that we are pulling more of our materials out of the dark and showcasing them for all to see. New found discoveries related to timely topics seem to rise to the top and highlight why our materials are so wonderful, why what we do is important, and generate an excitement in the field for the possibilities of uncovering what still remains hidden among our collections.

2012-09-23 02:00:20
archivesinfo: More info. on possible Emily Dickinson #photo
 2012-09-06 01:20:09
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Possible Emily Dickinson Daguerreotype at
Amherst College - GalleyCat
2012-12-06 18:01:00
archivesinfo: World's oldest dinosaur discovered hanging out in London
museum [never know what you'll discover in a museum]
2012-11-16 17:56:34
archivesinfo: RT @ddaruth: Reading -> Newly Discovered Letters about Mary
Lincoln’s Desperation & Debt #history #genealogy 
2012-08-02 18:13:46
archivesinfo: Abraham Lincoln Scrawled This Astonishing Note to Save a
Soldier’s Life via @BrowBeat
2012-06-05 21:07:36
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Report of first doctor to reach shot Lincoln
found - Times Union
archivesinfo: Vivaldi's lost masterpiece is found in library archives -
Democratic Underground

9. Google
Google remains on my list for their innovative role in handling primary source material and for the controversy that surrounds some of their methods. It will be interesting to see how their hand in our field plays out -- if they will be strong partners or will be seen as adversaries in the end.

2012-10-12 01:24:32
archivesinfo: A Google Book Deal Is Good for Everyone—Except Maybe Amazon
2012-10-12 01:08:20
archivesinfo: Court rules #book scanning is fair use, suggesting #Google
Books victory
2012-10-12 01:06:22
archivesinfo: Google launches online 'cultural institute' | The Australian:
2012-08-07 11:19:55
archivesinfo: RT @Riparchivist: Authors Guild Seeks $2 Billion From Google
for Book Scanning #books
archivesinfo: Google’s #Art Project grows larger with 151 museums online
across 40 countries

8. The Obama Library
Presidential libraries are always in the news. Talk swirls about the Obama library and where it will be erected. In  a presidential election year, this topic rises to our top ten.

2012-12-11 12:49:51
archivesinfo: Obama presidential library campaign begins - Jennifer Epstein
- via @POLITICO #archives
2012-07-03 18:00:10
archivesinfo: How About Obama’s Presidential Library? U. Chicago considered

7. Anniversaries - National Archives 150th, JFK 50th and more
Last year, all anniversary attention seemed focused on the 150th of the Civil War. This year, many many institutions are focusing on anniversaries of their existence and special events (including the high school where I now work, which is preparing for the 50th anniversary of the construction of our building in 1965).

2012-12-11 12:47:52
archivesinfo: National Archives to Launch 150th Anniversary Celebration #NARA #archives
2012-11-08 15:01:03
archivesinfo: Boston's JFK museum readies for 50th anniversary of
2012-09-27 21:14:06
archivesinfo: Elementary School in MD Celebrates 150 years #schoolarchives
2012-09-24 01:37:35
archivesinfo: The Jetsons Turns Fifty: How the Future Looked in 1962 via @Techland
2012-09-09 23:16:29
archivesinfo: Scotland. A host of grateful writers and artists will help
the Women’s Library to celebrate its 20th birthday
2012-09-03 00:54:28
archivesinfo: Chemists celebrating 100 years - one of the oldest companies
in the UK. #archives
2012-08-27 19:02:11
archivesinfo: Student Contest - 150th anniversary of Emancipation
Proclamation. NEH
2012-08-13 00:38:37
archivesinfo: Hoover Presidential Library and Museum Celebrates 50th
2012-04-19 13:33:20
archivesinfo: 100 year anniversary of Fenway Park in pictures - Griffin
#Museum of #Photography, Winchester, MA #baseball
2012-04-10 18:12:19
archivesinfo: RT @nypl: 100 years ago today, the Titanic departed
Southampton embarking on its maiden voyage. Rediscover the journey

6. Disaster Preparedness
From natural disasters to neglect, to the ravaging effects of war on artifacts, 2012 once again shined a light on the need to better plan for the care of our collections. Hurricane Sandy in the United States really opened the eyes of some laypeople for the urgency of this kind of preparedness.

2012-11-03 23:36:04
archivesinfo: The Subways & Buses Are Back, and So Is the Transit #Museum via @newyorkobserver #NY #sandy
2012-10-30 12:18:03
archivesinfo: RT @ActiveHist: New post by @DagomarDegroot "Hurricane Sandy:
A Teachable Moment"  #envhist #Sandy
2012-09-29 15:09:01
archivesinfo: [Disheartening cultural news] Fire Sweeps Through Ancient
Souk of Aleppo, City’s Soul #heritage
2012-08-30 02:18:50
archivesinfo: Section of 200-year-old wall turns into rubble at panoramic
site near Rome's Piazza del Popolo
2012-08-30 02:13:17
archivesinfo: Protecting Cultural Treasures: Lessons From the Syrian
Conflict via @HuffPostWorld
2012-07-30 02:17:41
archivesinfo: RT @Cinevoice: Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look
Even Worse Somehow [problem w/ information in 21st c.]
2012-07-30 02:06:02
archivesinfo: Museum director warns of Syrian cultural losses - The Local via @TheLocalGermany
2012-05-09 12:25:17
archivesinfo: Mali: Timbuktu. Uncertainty As Rebels Move in.  protection of
ancient manuscripts "significantly imperilled"
archivesinfo: U.N.: Cultural Treasures At Risk in Mali, Syria Conflicts
archivesinfo: Destroy this memory; #Digitization part of disaster plan | [#Sandy created gaps in #art

5. Underdocumented / Hidden Collections
Related to #10 on our list, #4 shows how archivists and historians are working to uncover hidden stories. But we don't just seek articles about the famous, we are finding out more and more about hidden populations. Our collections have the ability to help showcase previously untold stories and can help make people aware of the diversity and quiet communities around them.

2012-11-15 12:56:11
archivesinfo: RT @paige_roberts Hidden Collections Report #archives #libraries [is there a similar U.S.
Her Story project -
2012-12-01 21:18:00
archivesinfo: Do you know about the #Herstory project? It was a lot of fun
to talk with @chickhistory abt a #suffragette I admire
2012-12-01 21:16:14
archivesinfo: RT @chickhistory: Learn about One of America's First Female
Architects, buried in her family papers! #HerStory 40 by @archivesinfo >
2012-11-03 23:21:06
archivesinfo: Radio Tanzania: A Disappearing History On Tape
2012-10-30 02:24:51
archivesinfo: Archivist tracks down Rocky Mountain fur trade’s untold
2012-10-14 04:09:56
archivesinfo: Stanford Scholars Search For Documents About Chinese Railroad
Workers - Palo Alto, CA Patch #archives #history
2012-08-25 01:29:54
archivesinfo: Archivist tracks down the 'lost babies' of Cyprus' Jewish
refugee camps Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
2012-08-16 02:34:58
archivesinfo: New York Raids its Attic and Finds US History | Long Island
Press #archives
2012-08-04 13:01:14
archivesinfo: UGA libraries receive oldest known film reels in state #archives #film #georgia #familyhistory
2012-07-26 11:27:45
archivesinfo: ISU archivist always on the hunt for history:
2012-07-20 21:58:29
archivesinfo: RT @AASLH: Rare 16th century map found between pages of 19th
century book #hiddencollectionsstoriesrock
2012-07-16 09:29:47
archivesinfo: MT @genesreunited: long lost family momento discovered in
antiques... Have you come across any hidden treasures?
2012-07-16 09:28:10
2012-07-09 01:50:31
archivesinfo: Photo Exhibit Documents History of ‘Workers at Play’ |
UConn Today: via @UConn
2012-05-10 12:51:24
archivesinfo: New Holocaust tome reveals previously undocumented atrocities
2012-05-08 11:52:05
archivesinfo: [Documenting the underdocumented] The Visual South, Part I:
Unseen Scenes Of Guantanamo
2012-05-03 12:42:10
archivesinfo: Project seeks segregation-era documents
#archives #oralhistory

4. Save Archives, libraries and museums 
Much controversy has swirled over cutbacks in our professions once again. We are carefully watching Georgia, which tried to eliminate state Archives services.We are also watching deep cuts in Canada that mimic those we saw in Britain a year ago. Cuts continue around the globe, but Canada's stand out this year. Proposed renovations to the NYPL in the United States have caused quite a controversy in the United States and are included here.

2012-10-26 02:52:44
archivesinfo: After uproar, Georgia officials back off #archives plan |
Online Athens
2012-10-21 00:30:58
archivesinfo: After uproar, #Georgia officials rework archive budget #archives #savearchives
2012-10-05 23:34:04
archivesinfo: Advocates fight to keep archives open to public
2012-09-15 10:22:50
archivesinfo: Georgia closes archives. Only state in nation to cut historic
service. #archives
2012-09-14 17:23:11
archivesinfo: RT @ArchivalBiz: RT @archivists_org The State Archives crisis
2012-08-02 02:30:13
archivesinfo: Imperilled #archive seeks new fearless champion. U.K. Women's
#Library via @timeshighered 
archivesinfo: Halifax Central #Library to be demolished - Local - Halifax
Courier: #savelibraries
2012-11-12 19:06:47
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Freedom of information? B.C. government
accountability moot with no written records
2012-08-28 09:41:16 [GREAT BRITAIN]
archivesinfo: BBC News - Museums Sheffield: After the cuts #savemuseums
2012-08-11 14:11:54
archivesinfo: Closing doors on Canada’s history
#archives #savelibraries
2012-08-07 14:02:34
archivesinfo: Library hours cut to balance books…
South Tyneside #savelibraries [BRITAIN]
2012-08-07 11:23:10
archivesinfo: MT @ShirleyBurnham: Library prepares to be community run #save libraries
2012-08-04 12:58:02
archivesinfo: Massachusetts. BridgewaterTown Council rejects library
contract #savelibraries
2012-07-26 19:36:28
archivesinfo: BBC News - Elmbridge Museum disposes of 3,500 objects. UK
museum earmarked for closure
2012-07-26 11:00:02
archivesinfo: RT @UKpling: Communities set to lose libraries - Wakefield
Express #savelibraries
2012-07-20 18:00:26
archivesinfo: Save Libraries Pinterest board - libraries in trouble & what
people are doing to save them
2012-07-07 15:37:14
archivesinfo: The memory-keeper's dilemma. The state of #archives in Canada
& implications for #localhistory
2012-06-30 03:12:46
archivesinfo: Save the New York Public Library 
2012-06-28 03:00:28
archivesinfo: U.K. Surrey library volunteer plans 'will not save money'
2012-06-25 01:17:19
archivesinfo: Canada: Budget squeeze on libraries impairs national memory
2012-06-07 11:42:29
archivesinfo: The Wrecking of Canada's Library & Archives [shameful. Once cutting edge, what will happen to
Canadian heritage?]
2012-06-04 13:28:12
archivesinfo: More on cuts to Canadian Archives and what this means to the
average person #canada #archives
2012-06-02 15:18:56
archivesinfo: Canada. MP Hiebert defends cuts to archive program #savelibraries
2012-06-02 15:18:54
archivesinfo: Canada. Conservatives Must Stop Gutting Local Libraries.
"hurting local libraries in 3 major ways."
2012-06-02 15:18:52
archivesinfo: Canada. Nanaimo archives in crisis after feds cut grants
2012-05-31 15:42:10
archivesinfo: Ireland threatening collective memory? 'Bureaucrat
Barbarians' at the gates? via @IrishTimes #archives
2012-05-31 15:34:13
archivesinfo: The Smokescreen of ‘Modernization’ at Library and
Archives Canada #lac #savelibraries
2012-05-29 18:00:56
archivesinfo: Our country's history is at risk. Canadian government slowly
doing away with Canada's ability to access own history.
2012-05-29 15:27:41
archivesinfo: 150 attend "funeral" for archival funding cuts:
2012-05-29 15:05:15
archivesinfo: Canada. Academic freedom could be limited by cuts to Library
and Archives #archives
2012-05-29 14:52:59
archivesinfo: RT @ONLibraryAssoc: Archivists protest in Ottawa over cuts.
Mock funeral for Canada's archival heritage. #archives
2012-05-28 17:38:31
archivesinfo: London. Despite funding cuts, library usage increasing #savelibraries
2012-05-25 18:01:01
archivesinfo: Ireland. Merging of cultural institutions criticised
2012-05-18 23:45:20
archivesinfo: RT @LibraryofCT: Is the New York Public Library Seizing the
Future or Renouncing Its Past? (via @nytimes)
2012-05-16 21:04:37
archivesinfo: ‘Cultural vandalism’ claims as church breaks up archive
2012-05-12 14:12:05
archivesinfo: Are Harvard’s Realignment Throes Unique—or a Cautionary
Tale? #libraries
2012-05-09 18:09:16
archivesinfo: New Brunswick Archives Funding Cuts via @ArchivistsTrek:
2012-05-03 13:15:09
archivesinfo: RT @redgirl13: More bad news out of Library & Archives CaA:
ILL service shutting down...Could be mortal wound to resource sharing in
2012-05-03 13:02:03
archivesinfo: Canada. Government librarians vow to get loud over federal
budget cuts. #savelibraries
2012-05-02 18:01:18
archivesinfo: A room of one's own: why the Women's #Library should not be
made history
2012-05-02 13:01:14
archivesinfo: Canada. Federal libraries, archives shutting down #savelibraries
2012-05-02 12:17:26
archivesinfo: RT @sue_oz: RT @DalLibraries: "We are stunned." Dal Archives
blogs on drastic federal cuts to #archives funding
2012-04-18 12:36:41
archivesinfo: Italian museum burns artworks in protest at cuts #art #italy #budget
2012-04-10 16:08:36
archivesinfo: Campaign to Save Women's Library in London #savelibraries

3. Theft and vandalism
Perhaps it's a sign of the times, but stories of theft and vandalism in cultural heritage seemed to rise this year. On a good note, repatriation of stolen items from our past also continues.

2012-11-16 00:30:28
archivesinfo: Man who stole from NY archives loses #museum job
2012-11-14 02:37:06
archivesinfo: Stolen Letters From George Washington, Napoleon, Coming Back
To Connecticut #archives #theft
2012-11-12 19:01:39
archivesinfo: Felon who stole from NY State #Archives gets second chance at
state military museum - Times Union via @TimesUnion
2012-11-08 04:00:34
archivesinfo: Poster Collection Seized By Nazis To Be Sold #WWII #archives
2012-10-31 01:27:40
archivesinfo: Museum needs help...SF: Gay history museum, home of one of
largest LGBT #archives in US, vandalised
2012-10-29 12:36:56
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Theft At The National Archives: How Relic
Raiders Are Pilfering America’s Past
2012-10-17 17:26:45
archivesinfo: Picasso, Matisse, Monet works stolen from Dutch museum
2012-09-29 19:01:12
archivesinfo: Flea market Renoir was stolen from Baltimore Museum of Art,
auction canceled #arttheft #culturalheritage
2012-08-20 04:00:27
archivesinfo: The difficulty of insider #book theft. wholesale looting of
Girolamini #Library in Naples, Italy, by director
2012-08-07 20:53:06
archivesinfo: RT @AASLH: Looted Afghan artefacts returned to Kabul #repatriation
2012-07-27 18:00:06
archivesinfo: Massachusetts How the State House’s cultural treasures have
vanished, piece by piece - Museum And Gallery:
2012-07-11 13:36:30
archivesinfo: RT @lynnemthomas: Stolen Codex Calixtinus recovered, arrests
2012-07-07 23:27:37
archivesinfo: RT @cortsims: Police seize Buddhist sculptures worth millions
of dollars in Pakistan
2012-07-05 01:40:06
archivesinfo: Canadian facing jail for 'breathtaking' theft of U.S.
historical artifacts #archives #accomplice
2012-06-28 01:41:17
archivesinfo: Landau had his tailor stitch deep pockets into a trench coat
and blazer so he could more easily steal documents:
2012-06-28 01:21:43
archivesinfo: Barry Landau, collector of historical documents, gets 7-year
term for thefts  #archives
2012-06-03 21:21:43
archivesinfo: Photo albums related to Nazi art theft unveiled:
2012-06-02 23:45:17
archivesinfo: no words for this! wRT @publichistorian: Terrible news. All
the fish @DetroitAquarium killed with bleach.
2012-06-01 20:30:32
archivesinfo: Museums seen as soft target. There has been a significant
increase in number of thefts this year
2012-05-22 11:35:33
archivesinfo: Historic ads stolen from U of Illinois library #archives #exhibit #security
2012-05-21 18:00:21
archivesinfo: Will ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s testify about $500 million
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist?
Read more: #art
2012-05-19 14:41:4
2012-05-04 12:55:42
archivesinfo: NARA Former Archivist Convicted In Recording Thefts
2012-04-26 15:29:12
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Israel Police probing possible theft of Kafka
papers - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

2. Social Media
Cultural heritage professionals are jumping on board with social media as a way to garner a larger and stronger audiences. We are experimenting with sites such as Facebook and Pinterest to highlight collections, communicate basic information and seek feedback from patrons. This is a subject close to my heart and one that I think is vital to the continuation of our important work. However, in addition to helping us, social media presents both a preservation nightmare and requires us to reevaluate our purpose and methods of collecting and outreach.

2012-11-16 00:06:24
archivesinfo: RT @suddenlyjamie #Pinterest Launches Business Pages to Get
Cozy With Brands | Digital - Advertising Age
2012-11-15 12:44:07
archivesinfo: RT @mia_out: It's your data 'but it belongs to Facebook now,
and there's not much you can do about how they remix and reuse it' http://t
2012-09-30 10:10:05
archivesinfo: RT How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators
[librarians & archivists too!]  #sm
2012-09-29 16:15:46
archivesinfo: RT @IArtLibraries: A whole Pinterest board of digital
collections?! YES! Thank you @janineveazue ! 
2012-09-27 21:15:07
archivesinfo: Social media is an archivist’s nightmare;
2012-09-26 17:20:57
archivesinfo: RT @hootsuite: #Fminus: Why universities fail at teaching
social media - HootSuite CEO talks to @FortuneMagazine:
2012-09-08 02:01:51
archivesinfo: RT @socialmedia2day: Culture Clash: Baby Boomers Vie with
Millennials over the Future of Social Media by @chrshorton
2012-07-16 20:00:34
archivesinfo: #history #dilemma: Social media proving difficult for
2012-07-09 23:29:28
archivesinfo: The #Museum at FIT Has Relaunched Its Online Collections #pinterest 's influence or no?
2012-07-08 13:33:58
archivesinfo: RT @margotnote: Social media bringing National Archives to
homes #sm #archives
2012-06-19 12:17:23
archivesinfo: The networked consultant: Using social media, Part II National Council on Public History blog post by M.
2012-04-25 20:07:00
archivesinfo: A (virtual) museum visit. Online social media platforms are
changing the way #museums relate to their visitors.
2012-04-10 13:11:25
archivesinfo: RT @cdilly: 5 good Reasons for #Museums to get on Pinterest
Right Now: (Early Adopter phase is ending!)
Museum Education & Social Media: What Can Our Audiences
Learn... #musesocial
2012-02-19 01:46:03
archivesinfo: RT @coachginny: 10 Reasons Pinterest Booked 10 Million
Visitors a Month So Fast - Forbes
2012-02-14 20:08:28
archivesinfo: What is #Pinterest and Why should #Museums Care? - Muse21
archivesinfo: RT @LibraryofCT: 5 More Ways to Use #Pinterest in Your

1. Digitization
Repeating its #1 ranking from 2010, this year digitization was a clear choice for the most important story of the year. Most cultural heritage institutions now fully realize the importance of getting their collections online. There are large organizations such as the DPLA partners who are working hard to help smaller institutions that can't afford to go online on their own. We are fully embedded in a digital world and there is no looking back. Our professions are changing. Our responsibilities are changing. We are deeply committed to keeping up with the times and reinventing ourselves to showcase our role as keepers of our heritage and cultural knowledge. Can we do it fast enough to remain a vital part of civilization? I think that these stories show that the answer is "yes!"

2012-12-03 21:27:36
archivesinfo: N.H. Historical Society works to digitize entire catalogue |
Concord Monitor #NH #archives
2012-12-02 21:12:02
archivesinfo: New Orleans 2 digitize 18thc papers. may give 1st accounts of
N Am.slaves & free blacks.
2012-12-02 21:04:06
archivesinfo: Continue Funding Archives Digital Project - #zambia via @allafrica
2012-11-12 18:39:26
archivesinfo: RT @RAINbyte: Digitising your collection blog series (PDF)
2012-11-08 03:21:28
2012-10-13 02:31:25
archivesinfo: Carnegie Hall’s #Archives Begins Digitizing via @carnegiehall
2012-10-12 09:24:12
archivesinfo: RT @ddaruth: First digital resource explores 1918 flu
epidemic #history #genealogy
2012-10-11 15:26:02
archivesinfo: Madison Library, NH unveiled a new digital historical
archive. #communityarchives
2012-10-06 14:00:38
archivesinfo: WNYC's Archives & Preservation Dept is digitizing 660 hours
of recordings from NYC Municipal #Archives. See highlights
2012-09-27 21:24:55
archivesinfo: PERRIS: Historians digitizing school yearbooks
2012-08-29 20:26:09
archivesinfo: Detroit Historical #Museum hopes digital collection will help
maintain public interest | Crain's Detroit Business
2012-08-16 01:52:15
archivesinfo: Efforts under way to make #Nixon tapes accessible
2012-07-27 01:54:34
archivesinfo: Inside the Quest to Put the World's Libraries Online - The
Atlantic #DPLA #archives #library
2012-07-23 01:33:37
archivesinfo: Public libraries in the #digital age
#DPLA #library
2012-07-20 18:01:53
archivesinfo: New Report: “America’s Digital Future: Advancing a Shared
Strategy For Digital Public Libraries”
2012-07-19 14:01:17
archivesinfo: Historic Arab papers to go online
#archives #britishlibrary
2012-07-16 09:38:30
archivesinfo: Ellensburg Library's online photo archives capture area’s
history #localhistory #digitization
2012-07-02 10:33:25
archivesinfo: RT @margotnote: Port Jefferson Digital Archive Hits Another
Milestone With Over 20,000 Images
2012-06-22 21:30:13
archivesinfo: How the BBC can lead the way in creating #digital public
space  [Use of #archives part of plan] #community
2012-06-06 13:06:10
archivesinfo: Detroit Historical Society To Launch Online Collection
2012-05-29 19:08:26
archivesinfo: BBC News - Warning over digital archive 'black hole'
2012-05-28 17:41:18
archivesinfo: Queen Victoria’s Journals Revealing Personal Details
Launched Online:
2012-05-25 14:16:49
archivesinfo: RT @jgreen31: Librarians Helping Their Communities with
Personal Digital Archiving #library #familyhistory
2012-05-24 15:59:02
archivesinfo: Queen Victoria's personal journals published online [Henry VIII papers last year, now Victoria. happy
day!] #archives
2012-05-15 12:11:45
archivesinfo: Amon Carter #Museum receives $75,000 #digitization grant from
the National Endowment for the Humanities:
2012-05-14 13:01:32
archivesinfo: Indianapolis Museum of Art to digitize Miller House & Garden
2012-05-14 12:10:23
archivesinfo: Chronical of Higher Ed: Projects Aims to Build Online Hub for
Archival Materials #archives #SNAC #dpla [great
2012-05-12 20:39:13
archivesinfo: RT @Arquivistica: Albert Einstein's digital #archives
2012-05-08 11:54:15
archivesinfo: Ghana Broadcasting Company Digitizes National #Music
#Archives #Africa
2012-05-04 13:00:55
archivesinfo: #BU. Mugar on a Microchip? As libraries go digital, are books
becoming obsolete?
2012-05-03 16:14:54
archivesinfo: Library of Congress Plans to Digitize Pre-1978 #Copyright
2012-05-01 15:16:19
archivesinfo: A universal digital library is within reach. #Copyright law
poses challenges #dpla #google
2012-04-29 00:58:45
archivesinfo: Harvard. The Humanities, Digitized. Reconceiving the study of
culture #archives
2012-04-29 00:49:49
archivesinfo: Vanderbilt digital archive recovers lost Civil Rights voices
2012-04-25 14:55:09
archivesinfo: From stately bridges to grisly deaths, 870,000 New York
archival photos go online [most interesting story
2012-04-17 15:35:40
archivesinfo: RT @WebArchivist: @archivesinfo You know we have an ongoing
project to digitize & transcribe #CivilWar diaries, right?
2012-04-11 07:59:03
archivesinfo: The New York Public Library digitizes thousands of early
American historic documents: #digital #archives #NYPL
2012-04-04 07:59:05
archivesinfo: Google’s #Art Project grows larger with 151 museums online
across 40 countries
 2012-02-14 18:36:03
archivesinfo: #Digitized #Diaries tell first-hand of #CivilWar, #Lincoln
assassination via Peter K. on Pinterest. #archives
2012-02-14 15:11:07

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